Angry parent phone calls

You’re just getting back to your office, ready to move onto the next thing on your to do list and your secretary says to you that a parent called and they sounded mad and they want to talk to you right away. She hands you a sticky note with the parent’s name and phone number. 

This situation is all too familiar to you, isn’t it?

I get it what it’s like to deal with angry parents on a regular basis. 

Sometimes you even have the same parents to come to you repeatedly with concerns.  It could be easy to brush these off or to think to yourself this is just another complaint.  

But maybe there really is something to it.  

It’s a good idea to stay curious.  Ask a couple of questions. Try to find out what’s really going on. Maybe there really is something to their concern.  Maybe it could be discrimination or harassment.  If it is check your policy and see what are you supposed to do about it.

Want a log form to document parent contacts?


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