Drama at school driving your crazy?!


Doesn’t it seem like we can’t get away from it? 

From middle school drama to girl drama to staff drama to parent drama.  I know how difficult it is as a K12 administrator to carefully and professionally handle drama.  

Sometimes, though, when you find out about drama there’s something more to it. I encourage you to stay curious just a little bit despite our aversion to drama, to find out what’s behind it. 

We’ve talked before about complaints coming to us in some way shape or form other than an obvious formal complaint. It’s rare that as a K-12 administrator you receive complaints on a written form marked complaint.  Instead some other type of issue is brought to your attention such as girl drama in the lunchroom or staff drama.

I understand what it’s like to be so busy that you think to yourself “I don’t have time for drama!” but it pays sometimes to stay curious just a minute longer.  Be patient long enough to find out if is there something more serious behind this drama.  

Is there potentially a complaint of discrimination or harassment that’s coming to you as drama?

If so it’s important that you do all you can to recognize this, and then to handle the discrimination or harassment per your policy. I know you have a lot to do but I encourage you to try to say curious just a little bit longer.

Want a checklist for investigating K12 discrimination and harassment?


Work a pain in the neck?


Emojis and K12 discrimination and harassment