Organizing your school office.

Is your office in need of a little organization? Or maybe you just secured a new position as a K12 administrator and you have to set up your new office. I’ve got some ideas for you. 

When you’re setting up and organizing your office, keep in mind that at times you may be using it to conduct investigation interviews. When setting up this kind of space there’s a couple of things that you want to keep in mind. 

Number one is privacy. Consider installing blinds or curtains on your windows, or maybe some window film over glass doors or windows to block out a view of who is in your office. Make sure you can shut your door as well.  

Another thing you’ll want to consider is seating.  Is there enough seating for you and interviewee and maybe one or two support people? Let’s say you’re interviewing a student with their parents - make sure that there’s enough room for everybody to comfortably sit in the room.  

Finally, if your office isn’t suitable as a space to conduct private interviews comfortably, find another space in your building such as an empty conference room where you can also ensure privacy and a comfortable space to sit for you and your interviewees.

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