Parents not answering the phone?

One frustration we regularly deal with as 12 administrators is parents not answering the phone. This can be a real issue when it comes to discrimination and harassment investigations.

As a K-12 civil rights investigator I have run into plenty of issues with parents not answering the phone when I attempt to contact them as part of a civil rights investigation. Often, having parental involvement in an investigation of a student issue is critical. 

I know as a K12 administrator you have a lot of experience and options up your sleeve when it comes to getting ahold of parents. While it may be important to have parents involved in an investigation, consider carefully whether a parent’s failure to answer phone calls or respond to communication from you should hold up your investigation process. Keep in mind any required timelines for investigation; I shared about this before here

If parental involvement is necessary for an investigation and the parent is not responding to you, contact your Title IX or non-discrimination coordinator for assistance or consider contacting legal counsel for help.

Want a step-by-step checklist for conducting K12 discrimination and harassment investigations?


Parents not answering the phone? Part 2


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