Do you have these required notices posted?

The United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights is responsible for enforcing several laws that prohibit discrimination in educational programs or acitivites that receive federal financial assistance.  One of the requirements for schools is to issue notices of non-discrimination.

Of the laws enforced by OCR, there are varying requirements for posting of notices.  The requirements include components of what specifically must be posted, and where and how the information may be posted.

Currently the OCR states that in order to comply with the various non-discrimination posting requirements, a combined notice may be posted and should include quote “a statement of non-discrimination that specifies the basis for non-discrimination” and quote “identification by name or title, address, and telephone number of the employee or employees responsible for coordinating the compliance efforts.”

Do you have such a notice posted for your staff or students?

If you do not have a notice, check with your district’s Title IX and Nondiscrimination Coordinator or other district official to see if your district has a notice.  The OCR does offer a sample notice on their website.

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