Where do most K12 civil rights complaints come from?

As a K12 civil rights investigator, a question I’m asked often is where I see most complaints coming from.  Do you have any guesses?

My answer to the question where do most complaints come from is purely anecdotal, but could likely be very easily proven by combing through the data.  

Want know the answer?

Middle school.

That’s no surprise to you as a K12 administrator, is it?  Especially if you work with, or have worked with middle school students.

These students are at a unique place in their development, contributing to factors that can easily lead to discrimination or harassment issues arising.

If you currently are a middle school administrator, or wish to become one, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with discrimination and harassment issues, whether or not you are the person responsible to investigate them.

Want a step-by-step checklist for investigating K12 civil rights complaints?


But, we’ve always done it this way!


Do you have these required notices posted?